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Snowbird Car Transport Services

Aurora, CO is an area that is affeted greatly by winter season, however this does not stop hundreds of people to drop by and take advantage of the great conditions for snowboarding and skiing. Aurora not only has hundreds of visitors, but also contributes with hundreds of snowbirds that look to travel south to Florida or warmer places for the season. During this time Aurora finds the highest demand for car transportation services.

The most important thing you must keep in mind and have ready before starting to call dozens of companies for quotes are the dates in which you are planning to move your car. Dates will determine the price, delivery time and type of carrier you might want to use. Estimates you receive for shipping a car in June will definitely not be the same as shipping a car in December, not even if it’s the same distance and route. Winter has two high peaks: once winter starts and once it ends. Winter brings along the snowbirds that create the transport flow from north to south from September to November and from south to north from March to May. During these flows, prices to ship against the flow are cheaper than to ship with it. The reason why is because demand is higher from one way than the other.

Due to the harsh winter conditions, some customers prefer to safeguard their cars as much as possible by transporting them via enclosed carriers. Transportation can also be done via open carrier and it commonly is, even during this season, however some prefer to pay the extra bucks for a better protection on the road. Shipping a car via enclosed carrier does not guarantee that delays will not occur, or, that mechanical issues are not possible. Some customers believe it does for the money they’re paying, however there are no guarantees, it all depends on how good road conditions are and that no other unforeseen obstacles occur.

Snowbirds start moving as early as late September, early October to avoid delivery delays caused by bad road conditions and last minute bookings that can cost on average from $200 to $300 more. Because everyone is looking to come down, shipping north can become a bit of a hassle after the winter season starts to kick in as driving conditions are limited for driver trying to get into the northern part of the country. Prices skyrocket as well as risks are higher, however, sometimes money will not account for this risks and transportation is not possible at all until roads are cleared.

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